Nonprofit helps derecho victims repair homes ahead of winter

Tony Cowger
2 min readNov 25, 2020


“During the storm, down trees just missed his home, but it still suffered some significant damage.

‘One tree almost landed on our house, but there were a bunch of trees here that caught it. The windows basically exploded from the wind,’ said Nowotny. ‘I’ve never seen a storm like this in my 35 years of life.’

More than three months later, he is still recovering, trying to make repairs to his home, and thanks to an effort from Matthew 25, that needed work got done.

‘Right now, the priority is on projects that will help people get prepared for the winter,’ said Jana Bodensteiner, Matthew 25′s Director Development and Communications.

Through their PATCH Program, they are making repairs to the homes of derecho victims ahead of winter.

‘We’ve got people who still have water coming in through their homes, people with holes in their roofs and walls and we’re really trying to get things closed up through roof patching or tarping whatever it takes to be safe and secure for the winter,’ said Bodensteiner.

That’s a big help financially for people like Nowotny.

‘Buying a generator after the derecho really drained my savings so having them doing this and saving me money on getting my porch winterized is a huge help,’ he said.”

View the whole story here:

Originally published at on November 25, 2020.

