Maritime women encourage gratitude journaling to help cope with pandemic stress

Tony Cowger
2 min readMay 5, 2021


Good News Notes:

“Two Maritime women are encouraging people who may be feeling stressed amid the pandemic to consider starting a gratitude journal.

Every morning without fail, Shelley Butler of Riverview, N.B., said that she wakes up reminding herself what she is grateful for and then jots it down in her journal,

“People say to me, ‘What do you write? I don’t know what to write.’ So, I start my day with, ‘It is beautiful, it is sunny, maybe it is raining,’ and I put the date down,” Butler said.

Keeping a gratitude journal amid the pandemic has helped her maintain a positive mindset, Butler said.

“What a journal can give for you is a release of that negative bias where we focus on all the bad things that happened that week and it can give you clarity on all the golden nuggets that actually happen to you every day,” she said.

Across the border in Greenhill, N.S., Michelle Jeans said she is keeping a similar journal and is encouraging anyone who may be struggling with pandemic stress to do the same.

“Watching all the news, seeing all the cases and all the doom and gloom, it is just so heavy,” she said.

Writing down what you are grateful for, the women say, helps to lift the spirits when the mind starts to go to dark places…”

View the whole story here:

Originally published at on May 5, 2021.

