JPMorgan Chase is donating $5 million to these LGBTQ+ causes
“Five nonprofit organizations will receive a total of $1 million each, split by $250,000 a year for four years, to support initiatives for economic inclusion among the nation’s LGBTQ+ youth, workforce and elder communities. Here’s where the money is going:
1. GLSEN, formerly the Gay and Lesbian Independent School Teachers Network, combats discrimination, harassment, and bullying based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in schools. The money will go toward development programs for student leaders and educators as well as ‘racial equity capacity-building’ across the GLSEN network.
2. Out & Equal Workplace Advocates is a California-based nonprofit that advocates for workplace equality. The money will fund a new program seeking to increase the number of transgender executives and senior leaders in workplaces.
3. Services & Advocacy for LGBT Elders (SAGE) is one of the oldest nonprofits dedicated to older LGBTQ+ Americans. The money will fund the SAGE Center Intergenerational Hub at its Crotona Pride House in the Bronx.
4. The San Francisco AIDS Foundation was founded at the start of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the United States and continues to organize for health justice. The money will fund free, accessible health care for transgender people as well as transgender health workforce development.
5. The Center is another New York-based nonprofit that seeks to provide the LGBTQ+ community with opportunities for economic advancement and other support. The money will go to a new program focused on career planning and economic advancement, including case management and individualized work readiness plans.”
View the whole story here:
Originally published at on January 15, 2021.