Fort Worth 5th Grader Starts ‘Race to Kindness’

Tony Cowger
Oct 23, 2020


“‘This disease impacts so many people,’ Jean said of COVID-19. ‘Many people have lost their jobs and are being put out on the streets… and these are people that look like me that don’t have the resources and don’t have these privileges, and I know I can help.’

Jean started’Race to Kindness’to help others. So far, he’s collected toys for children in the hospital, and now snack bag meals. Jean just celebrated his 10th birthday, but he speaks with wisdom far beyond his years. He believes everyone can do something.

‘It all comes from a kind thought in your head, and a kind feeling in your heart,’ Jean said. ‘And if you’re only thinking about me, me, me; and what about this, what about that; I can’t do this, I have to do that; then it’s never going to happen.’”

View the whole story here:

Originally published at on October 23, 2020.



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